Monday 20 April 2009

My allotment shows signs of life

Finally, my Berkshire allotment is starting to take shape and the first shoots are poking their heads through the soil. I’ve been gradually digging in the winter mulch blanket, preparing and planting each section. So far I’ve put in spinach, chard, coriander, parsley, spring onions, radishes and beetroot. I’ve weeded around my raspberry canes and fruit bushes, and given them some Sulphate of Ammonia. This year it looks like there’s going to be a bumper crop of currants and gooseberries and I can’t wait.

I planted the radishes and beetroot under some mesh tunnels to prevent them being destroyed as they emerge by greedy pigeons. I noticed over the weekend that the slugs have been nibbling the first leaves – time for some beer traps I think. I’m going to put mesh tunnels over the spinach and chard this weekend to make sure the pigeons don’t get to them before I do – this also helps to keep the flea beetle off the spinach and rocket.

Over the Easter weekend I planted my broad bean plants which I’d been nurturing in the greenhouse for a few weeks. I always bring on my broad beans in the greenhouse – I find I can keep an eye on them and ensure that I get sufficient plants to give me a large crop. I love new broad beans. Some people pick them too late by which time they are tough and bitter. I pick them early and make a lovely warm salad. I cook the beans and cover with a simple dressing of olive oil, lemon juice and garlic. Then I add some fried pancetta cubes, sun dried tomatoes and some soft goat’s cheese which melts into the dish. Serve with some crusty bread for a tasty supper dish. I always grow some green and some red broad beans – I don’t know which I prefer for taste, but it looks very pretty in the serving dish!

Pigeon protected radishes and beetroot

Broad Beans

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