Thursday 26 November 2009


If you haven't already done this remove the old leaves of your Hellebores. Why would I want to do this, I hear you ask. Well, last year's leaves will start looking really tatty next year if they haven't already and will eventually die off leaving a nasty mess at the base of the plant. Hellebores can also get a fungal infection which shows as a black spot on the leaf and if you don't get rid of the infected foliage it can damage the whole plant. Also, if there is a thick canopy of old leaves you cannot see the new flowerheads. The plant will look a bit bald for a while, but you will be able to see and appreciate fully the flower buds as they emerge and open usually just after Christmas. You'll soon get a new crop of glossy, healthy leaves.

Hellebores, Epimedium, Brunnera and Euphorbia in my garden Spring 2009

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